Home Remedies for Hair Loss - Watch Your Hair Grow Back Again

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No one likes to see hairs on their brush or comb in the morning. It is natural for hair to shed, but in some cases the shedding becomes excessive. This can be due to stress, hormonal or genetic factors. There are many hair loss medications available on the market today, but most of them have a modest effect. The home remedies for hair loss are a fine alternative. They are made from natural ingredients only and can really help your hair grow back again.

You need equal amounts of rosemary and sage. You need to boil them in water. Decide on the amount of herbs and water keeping in mind that you have to add half a tablespoon of rosemary and half a tablespoon of sage for every cup of water. You can also add some nettle leaves, if you have any at hand. You need to strain the liquid after boiling. Then you can use this herbal tea two times a week after washing your hair with shampoo. Simply use the tea to wash it again and then rinse.

These two herbs are natural astringents and have excellent antibacterial and toning properties. They will remove any dead skin cells and open the pores on your scalp. Rosemary and sage act as natural stimulants to the follicles and promote hair growth. Use their mixture for treatment for as long as necessary.

You can try a really effective natural remedy comprised of different oils. You need one cup of water or a quarter of a cup of olive oil, as a start. If you use the first product, you will get a more liquid solution that is easier to spray on your hair and bald spots. Using olive oil will make the substance denser, so you will need to apply it using your fingers. In any case, water and olive oil are not the active ingredients and the choice is a matter of convenience.

Once you have the first ingredient, you have to add half a teaspoon of margosa oil and half a teaspoon of tea tree oil. These two oils have soothing and antibacterial effects. Then you need 15 drops of rosemary oil, which has antiseptic properties, and the same amount of lavender essential oil. This oil has been proven to stimulate hair growth. Put the mixture in a sealed bottle and shake well so that the ingredients intermix perfectly. Apply the remedy on your hair and let it stay for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and wash your hair with shampoo.

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