Stomach Ulcers: How to Heal Them With Herbs

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The good news for people with ulcers is that there are many effective, safe, herbs that are available that can help ulcers to heal. One of the main herbs is licorice, with a number of clinical studies confirming its usefulness in treating ulcers. In addition to licorice, there are several anti-inflammatory, ulcer-healing, stomach-soothing herbs. All are pleasant tasting and safe for long-term use. Using them in combination can be especially helpful. Several options are listed below for your convenience, depending on what you have available and find desirable.
People with ulcers are often advised to avoid alcohol. But alcohol-based tinctures are one of the easiest ways to take many of the herbs that help ulcers. If you're using tinctures rather than teas, put the recommended dose in a cup, add boiling water and allow the mixture to sit for 10 minutes. This helps evaporate some of the alcohol, which can worsen ulcers. You can also substitute glycerin extracts, known as glycerites; use the same dosages. (The best way to take ulcer herbs, however, is in a tea.)
If your ulcer is caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and you prefer not to take antibiotics, preliminary scientific studies show good results using a combination treatment of licorice, vitamin C and manuka honey. (This honey is made by a specific type of bee. You can find it in some health food stores.)
Take licorice in the following dosage: 3 cups of tea per day (simmer 1 teaspoon of dried root in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of tincture three times per day; or chew 1 or 2 tablets of deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) licorice three times per day before meals. Add 3,000 to 10,000 milligrams of vitamin C plus 1 tablespoon of manuka honey three or four times per day. If you experience diarrhea or burning in the stomach, reduce the dose.
Continue the treatment for two months. After that, you should be retested for the bacterium. If it is still present, go for the antibiotics.
Potatoes, oatmeal and cabbage help sooth ulcers from the inside out. Cabbage juice is one food treatment that studies have shown may be helpful for ulcers. Cabbage juice is high in a chemical called glutamine, which may stimulate the stomach to produce more of a protective compound called mucin. To achieve this protective effect, you need to drink about four cups of juice a day in divided doses.
Other ulcer strategies:
*Avoid foods that worsen symptoms. Avoid vinegar, sharp wines and too fatty foods.
*Take supplements of vitamins A and E if you think you may not be getting enough of these vitamins. You need 10,000 IU of vitamin A (or 15,000 to 25,000 I U of beta-carotene) per day and 400 to 800 I U of vitamin E per day.
*Boost your fiber intake.
*Avoid smoking and coffee (including decaf).
*Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
The premier ulcer-healing herb, licorice seems to work as well as ulcer-¬treating drugs, but with fewer side effects. Instead of inhibiting acid production, it strengthens the stomach's normal protective mechanisms and induces healing. It may even help eliminate H. pylori, the bacterium at fault in many ulcers. Licorice has also been shown to decrease ulcer formation caused by drugs such as aspirin. Unlike whole licorice, a form of the herb called DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice, can be taken by people with high blood pressure and those who take heart or blood pressure drugs.
Typical dosage: 3 cups of tea per day (simmer 1 teaspoon of dried root in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of tincture three times per day; or 1 or 2 tablets of DGL licorice chewed three times per day before meals. (Because DGL licorice is activated by saliva, it does not work as well if you simply swallow it.) Caution: DGL licorice may cause diarrhea in some people. Whole licorice should not be used if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have heart disease, liver disease or diabetes, or if you are taking heart or blood pressure drugs. Limit use of whole licorice to six weeks unless under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
This lovely, old-fashioned herb promotes healing, decreases inflammation in the stomach, and can ease the anxiety that may be perpetuating the ulcer. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
These beautiful orange or yellow flowers are anti-inflammatory and wound-healing. They are also mildly astringent, which helps reduce bleeding. So if bleeding is one of your ulcer symptoms, calendula is a good choice. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried flowers in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
This remedy for the gastrointestinal tract contributes to ulcer healing by decreasing inflammation, protecting and soothing the stomach lining, and reducing excess acidity. It is also mildly astringent. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes). Caution: avoid meadowsweet if you are allergic to aspirin; it contains a chemical relative of aspirin. Use for high pain cases as an adjunct to chamomile.
Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)
When water is added to this soothing root, a rich mucilage, or slippery substance, forms that helps it coat and soothe an irritated ulcer. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day, sipped frequently throughout the day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried root in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes or steep the same amount in cold water overnight); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day. Caution: the mucilage in marshmallow may absorb other drugs taken at the same time, so, if you are using other drugs, ask your practitioner's advice about a dosage routine.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)
The bark of this tree is another herb that forms mucilage to protect, soothe and heal the stomach lining. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried bark in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes or steep in cold water overnight); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Golden Seal Root - a wonderful specific anti-inflammatory for the gut system, also able to resolve bacteria and mucus problems that contribute to gut and digestive disorders.
Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris)
Another mucilage-former, this herb can be prepared the same way as marshmallow or slippery elm. Typical dosage: 3 to 6 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried bark in 1/4 liter of hot water for 10 minutes or steep the same amount in cold water overnight); or to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Plantain (Plantago major)
A common garden weed that grows almost everywhere in the world, plantain has soothing, astringent, antibacterial and wound-healing properties. Typical dosage: 3 to 4 cups of tea per day (steep 1 to
2 teaspoons of dried leaves or 1 tablespoon of fresh herb in 1/4 litre of hot water for 10 minutes); or 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of tincture or glycerite three or four times per day.
Oil of Oregano- kills the h. Pylori bacteria that eat the stomach lining, causing ulcers.
Ingredients for Making Ulcer Remedy Blend
2 part licorice root tincture
1 part marshmallow root tincture
1 part chamomile flower tincture
Tinctures have a shelf life of 5 to 7 years depending on the quality of your storage conditions. Recommended dosage for adults: 20 drops, 4 times daily.
Bonus: The recipe above can also be used as a tea blend when the tincture is substituted for dry herb!
No matter how many years the person has suffered with ulcers, or has had ineffective treatment for stomach and duodenal ulcers, these are usually eliminated in five weeks or less (but it is a good idea to continue with the Digestive Disorders Tincture for at least another few weeks or the condition will probably re-occur). The main dietary advice is to avoid vinegar, sharp wines and too fatty foods.

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