How To Make All-Natural Mascara And Eyeliner

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Ahhh, eye makeup! A glorious thing, in the opinion of many (including myself) 😉 And yet, a subtle evil lurks within – and we learn that as with so many things, the modern mascara and eyeliner are typically loaded with chemical ingredients which have been associated with various harmful effects.

Cosmetics are not very stringently regulated which means that not only can it be something of a petrochemical-based free-for-all in terms of what’s in there, but even just to find out what some of the ingredients actually are, can potentially prove difficult to impossible. This is due to the existence of vague terms such as “fragrance” – the ingredients of which may be protected by trade secret laws and thus not disclosed.

Today we’re giving you a double deal – we’ve discovered great formulas for both all-natural mascara and all-natural eyeliner!

Not only are these formulas easy to make but they are ultra-inexpensive! The eyeliner in particular uses just one ingredient – activated charcoal powder! When a little water is added, it makes the perfect black. (It is pure carbon after all!)

The trick is in getting just the right consistency (mix of powder and water) to create a nice line, but once you’ve got it down, it should be easy. You will of course need a fine brush and a small jar to keep the charcoal powder in. It is suggested to keep the charcoal in a small jar and mix up just a small amount at a time with a drop of water.

One thing I will observe – be aware of how ridiculously easy it is to make a mess with activated charcoal powder. It is super-fine powder and loves to get everywhere. If you are keeping it in a small jar and carrying it around, be sure that the lid is a good fit and won’t come undone!

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