Scientists Find Pumpkin Seed Oil Causes 40% Hair Increase In Men With Alopecia!

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An astonishing new scientific study from the Republic of Korea [1] has found that supplementation with pumpkin seed oil caused significant hair growth in men with Androgenetic Alopecia (male pattern baldness).
In the study, which used placebo-controlled double-blind methods, 76 men consumed either a placebo or 400mg of pumpkin seed oil per day (4 doses of 100mg daily) for 24 weeks.
Average hair count increases of an amazing 40% were observed in the men treated with pumpkin seed oil at 24 weeks. No negative effects were attributed to the pumpkin seed oil.

There are FDA-approved medicines for the treatment of male pattern baldness (topical minoxidil and oral finasteride) however these have been found to have negative side effects, including loss of libido (finasteride) and scalp itching (minoxidil).

The study concluded that pumpkin seed oil is a safe, effective agent for treatment of male pattern baldness. Note of course that one scientific study is not regarded as medical “proof” and the positive result would need to be replicated by several other studies. But this is a very promising piece of news for men worldwide.
One of the reasons why I find this study particularly interesting is that for the past 10+ years, I have consumed at least a handful of organic pumpkin seeds per day. I don’t know anyone else who has eaten pumpkin seeds as steadily and regularly as myself. Now there is of course no way that I can prove the reasons why; but at 42 years old I have a 100% full head of hair, without the least signs of receding hairline or thinning at the crown. Coincidence? Perhaps not.

Pumpkin seeds are an incredible nutritional source. Previous studies have indicated that they may be beneficial for prostate health, arthritis, diabetes, restful sleep and more. They are rich in zinc – which is also associated with healthy male sexual function – and other scientific research has indicated that they may be valuable as an alternative treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). [2] Pumpkin has also been found by scientists to have anti-cancer qualities.

Check out our full, detailed report on the Amazing Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds.

How to best consume them? This part is easy – just sprinkle them on top of savory foods of all kinds! Salads, mashed potato, cheese on toast, scrambled eggs.. you name it. I put pumpkin seeds on all of it.

One last note: Be sure to get the organic ones. They have the highest nutritional content. You will probably find these darker in color than the non-organic ones. If you’re curious as to why, read our in-depth report on new findings regarding the nutritional superiority of organic foods; which explains
the science behind why organic food is now regarded as much better for health

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