There are many reasons for the acids from your stomach to go up the esophagus and the throat. Acid reflux may be caused by overeating, poor digestion or specific medications. The burning sensation in the chest and throat is extremely unpleasant and sometimes even painful. You should definitely try using home remedies for heartburn. You will get relief naturally, safely and very quickly.
You can readily try fennel seeds. They are considered to be one of the most effective home remedies for acid reflux. Fennel contains anethole. This chemical compound reduces spasms of the stomach and of the gastrointestinal tract and effectively prevents the reflux of acid. It aids for good breath as well. All you have to do to enjoy these benefits is to chew half a teaspoon of fennel seeds right after having a meal.
Ginger root is extremely effective for heartburn as well. It can effectively absorb stomach acids and calm the nerves that are a common cause of stomach upset. You can take ginger root supplements after meals, but you can also prepare a tea. Just grind some of the root to fill half a teaspoon. Then add the ginger into a cup of boiling water, soak it for five minutes and enjoy the tea.
Apple cider vinegar is also known to neutralize stomach acids. You can have two or three tablespoons of it during acute attacks. Generally, you should dissolve the same amount in room temperature water and drink the solution during your meal. In this way, you can effectively prevent heartburn from occurring after food consumption.
Some teas can also be helpful for acid reflux. Chamomile tea has a soothing effect and reduces the irritation in the esophagus and the throat. Lavender tea can naturally lower the amount of acid in your stomach and reduce spasms. You can have any or both these teas after meals but only drink them once they are cool.
There are some foods that can be used as effective home remedies for heartburn. Drinking milk after meals aids the functioning of your digestive tract and can effectively prevent acid reflux. The chemical compounds in apples can reduce stomach acid, much like apple cider vinegar. Almonds are known to stimulate digestion and to regulate the normal functioning of the stomach. You can have them along with meals or afterwards. Drinking water can also help you avoid having acid reflux.