Top Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

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No one is safe from urinary tract infection. It is more common in children and in women, but men can get it as well, particularly through unprotected sexual intercourse. Thankfully, you can get relief from UTI by using simple and effective home remedies. There are also other methods that can help you fight this infection.

Cranberry juice is the most recommended natural home remedy for urinary tract infection. It has a superb effect. There are chemical compounds in the berry that prevent bacteria from attaching to cells, in the walls of your urinary tract. In this way, they cannot cause irritation and pain, but most importantly they are naturally flushed outside of the body with your urine. You should have as much cranberry juice as possible for best results.

You can also treat your urinary tract infection with Uva Ursi or bearberry tea. It is known for its antibacterial properties. It has been used for centuries to treat kidney and bladder infections. You can get crushed bearberry tea from your local drugstore and make tea following the instructions for use. It is best to have a cup of this drink no more than three times a day. Keep in mind that bearberry contains some chemicals, which may be potentially harmful to people with a damaged liver, if they are present in great amounts in the body.

Baking soda is one of the most popular home remedies for UTI and for many other bacterial infections. You can dissolve a half of a tablespoon of baking soda into an 8-ounce glass of water and drink the solution. It will make the environment in your urinary tract more alkaline and unfriendly for the growth of bacteria. This remedy for urinary tract infection provides best results when taken during the initial stage of the condition. No more than three glasses of the baking soda solution are recommended per day.

One of the most effective natural ways to get relief from this type of infection is to drink large amounts of fluids throughout the day. In this way, your body will produce more urine and flush out all bacteria causing the infection naturally. You are highly recommended to rely on water, tea and cranberry juice and avoid sugary and soda drinks as well as beer. The beverages from the latter group can actually aggravate the condition.

When you have urinary tract infection, you should make sure your feet are warm and dry at all times. This is not a direct UTI home remedy, but you will not get a cold that will worsen the illness.

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